In an era of change, nigerians expect to see credible, measurable changes

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                It is obviously not worth her oily concern that the Nigerian poor, who literally never get to see kerosene, are still made to part with N150 for a subsidised product expected to sell at N50 per litre
The Nigerian economy has continued to experience declining growth, increasing unemployment, galloping inflation, high incidence of poverty, worsening balance of payments, debilitating debt burden and increasing unsustainable fiscal deficits” – Benjamin Dikki, Director-General, Bureau of Public Enterprises, BPE, speaking on the theme, The Nigerian Reforms & Privatisation Policy, Processes, Gains, Challenges and Prospects, to members of the IBB International Golf and Country Club, Abuja.  If there should be any official of the Goodluck Jonathan administration who could tell the world a more robust view of the state of the Nigerian economy, it should be none other than Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, the Minister of Finance & Coordinating Minister of the Economy. But what do we have? Unfortunately, Okonjo-Iweala would rather tell Nigerians such platitudes as: “We now have a Nigeria, which is the largest economy on the continent. … I also feel that with this strong base that we have, if we just keep steady, we will be able to exit, and the value of the naira will strengthen, because we have got the different sectors etc.” And you ask: keep steady at what?
With Dikki’s  down-to-earth views on the Nigerian economy, no time can be more opportune than the imminent  inauguration of the Buhari administration to blow off the lies and stunts Nigerians have been fed with these past 16 years; especially in this current regime, be it in its lodestar Ministry of  Agriculture, whether in its glamourised ‘transformation’ in the railways which was hardly anything more than repainting old wagons or whether in a promised forensic audit into the NNPC cesspit which turned out to be a none audit.
Any keen observer of the Nigerian economy, especially in the 16 years of a now haemorrhaging PDP, must have seen that it is  nothing more than a kalokalo, generator economy, underpinned by a gripping renteer-sm  that kept  that largest ‘rally’ in Africa going.
One such keen observer has been former U.S Ambassador to Nigeria, John Campbell, who, in his: Nigeria: Dancing on the Brink explored the country’s post colonial history, offering a nuanced explanation of the events and conditions that have severally propelled it to the edge. Central to his analysis are oil wealth, endemic corruption, and elite competition, all of which have combined to undermine her nascent democratic institutions as well as alienated its increasingly impoverished people. That last bit, the alienation, no, pauperisation, of the Nigerian people, more than anything, accounted for the ouster of President Jonathan whose tenure had been largely corruption-ridden and effete.
As a result of the president’s listless approach to governance, all manner of crass opportunists carved out empires from which they rummaged on the Nigerian economy. Ex-militants, who most probably browbeat the president, became proud owners of multi-billion naira oil pipeline security contracts which recently saw total illiterates in professional arms-handling, like the Odua Peoples Congress (OPC) emerge one such beneficiary. The direct result of that was the unfortunate, fatal shooting of a young pregnant lawyer, Mrs Adebimpe Fajana, at Arepo, near Lagos, only this past week. However, none of these ‘empires’ would compare with the NNPC where all manner of cabals mushroomed, literally economically killing off Nigeria.  On the first day of January, 2012,  an ill-thought through removal of subsidy on petroleum products had led to  an unprecedented mass protest which on being probed further, led to the exposure of  a multi-billion dollar cabal oil subsidy fraudsters who were paid billions of dollars for petroleum products that were never delivered. Quite unsurprisingly, children of two former PDP Chairmen were named among them.
But the mother of PDP’s inhumanity to the Nigerian poor, planned and executed under the watchful eyes of a complicit Goodluck Jonathan government, is the fleecing of poor, helpless Nigerians through the kerosene subsidy. This ungodly scam, responsibility for which must go directly to the Minister of Petroleum Resources, Diezani Madueke, is a double jeopardy because just as it defrauds the Nigerian poor, who hardly ever gets kerosene to buy even at between N120 – 150, so does it cream off a monthly $100 Million from the Federation Account. The former Central Bank Governor, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, testifying at the resumed Senate Investigative Public Hearing on un-remitted oil revenue in Abuja,had told the panel that the $20 billion  spent on subsidising kerosene, belonged to the Federation Account. Relying on data from the National Bureau of Statistics which confirmed that kerosene was not a subsidised product he also produced evidence to the effect that former President Yar’Adua, indeed, issued a presidential directive eliminating subsidy on kerosene, effective from July 2009.
Speaking on the same issue at another occasion, Dakuku Peterside, Chairman, House Committee on Petroleum (Downstream), said: “In 2010, we spent N110, 068,533,988 to subsidise kerosene. In 2011, the government spent N324, 089,961,319 and N200bn in 2012. So, in three years, we spent a total of N634bn, subsidising kerosene. This is a third of what we spend in a year on capital budget.”
In a statement that would be extremely difficult to surpass in its outright vacuousness, Diezani Alison-Madueke, Minister of Petroleum Resources, claimed before a Senate Committee hearing, that the Jonathan government could not implement President Yar Adua’s order to remove subsidy from kerosene because, hear the kind mum: “it would be inflicting hardship on the citizens,” as if she did anything else in all her yeas in public service. As you read this, Nigerians are buying a litre of petrol, fixed by government at N87, at more than N150. It is obviously not worth her oily concern that the Nigerian poor, who literally never get to see kerosene, are still made to part with N150 for a subsidised product expected to sell at N50 per litre. In case it could still be of any help to Mrs Madueke on her way out, let me quote her the words of Beatrice Kelvin, a restaurateur: ‘‘the last time I bought kerosene, it was as if the commodity was going to be sold for the last time in Nigeria that day. Every space in the filling station was occupied by intending buyers. It was indeed a sight. Many people buy kerosene at a rate higher than N50 and I know that it is not also available.’’
President-elect, General Muhammadu Buhari, must see the above as only the tip of the ice-berg in the economic ruination President Jonathan would be handing over to him on May 29th. The entire Nigerian space is crawling with evidences of despoliation by a PDP that survived almost solely on corruption. Reacting to one of my articles recently, a reader from tel. no 080523631- – wrote: “My theory about the PDP being a criminal organisation is proven now. It is one thing for a party to harbour criminal elements, quite another for the party itself to be criminal like those mafias in Southern Europe. For better, for worse, it seems good now that that organisation has been dislodged from Abuja. In a society where nation building is taken seriously, it ought to be legally disbanded, criminalised and banned like the Nazi party.”
That, Mr President-elect, is the picture of the ruined country you will be confronted with on May 29, 2015. Nigerians are eagerly waiting to see decisive and measurable changes from that date. And you can, the very minute President Jonathan bows out, promptly stop this scam which was put in place for the presidency’s ‘weeping boys’ and its other cronies, some of who practically owned the NNDC.

The Nation

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