Women With Big B00'bs Are Smarter And Have Higher IQs (Says Science)

Do you have big B00bs?
Then do I have some excellent news for you and your tig ol’ bitties! 
To make up for the fact that you cannot ever seem to buy a B.utton down shirt that stays well and truly B.uttoned, science has discovered that women with big B00bs tend to be more intelligent than woman with small B00bs!

I’m kidding, obviously nothing makes up for the whole B.utton down shirt debacle, but you’ve got to admit that this is still, all things considered, pretty awesome news. 
In the study, conducted by a sociologist at the University of Chicago, 1,200 women were divided into groups based on the size of their B00bs.
I don’t know if they told the women that this was what was happening, but I can tell you based on the results, that all the women with D-cups probably took one swift look around the room and were like “ohhhhh, we have been divided up into groups according to B.reast sizes, that is strange. Also, may I ask you stranger with B00bs that are just as big as mine, where do you buy your bras?”
All of the women took an IQ test (presumably the same one, but IDK, the study doesn’t say) and women with big B00bs scored on average TEN POINTS higher than everyone else. 
A lot of people are reading this study and being all “wait wait wait, women with big B00bs can be intelligent? MY MIND IS 100% blown!” Proving that they are certainly all small boob-havers.
Lol, the joke there is that if you assume a woman with large B00bs is stupid, you yourself are the one who is a big ol’ dummy, yes ma’am.
The study simply presented the information. It didn’t speculate as to why the women with big B00bs scored higher than the women with small B00bs. Which is too bad, really, because that’s a study I’d like to read.
What the study did underline the fact that women with big B00bs face a huge amount of stigma from the populace at large. 
If you have big B00bs people think things about you, and those things aren’t good.
People think with women with big B00bs are promiscuous, are seductresses, or that they’ve got $ex on the brain. But the truth is you can only tell one thing about a woman who has big B00bs by looking at them: that they are B00bs, and they are big. 
Let this study be an important reminder to us all about the way we perceive women. Instead of doing further analysis of the women, the study was fine with assuming that B.reast size was the only variable among the groups.
They didn’t factor in anything else.
In a sample size THAT small (and in science, a sample like this is considered small) it’s contributing to the stereotyping we do everyday just to go ahead and decide that B.reast size is the only thing that sets these women apart from each other.

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