Nollywood "PawPaw" Set to Marry Ghanian Babe...

      I just heard this oh! and for sure i would share with you'll (if i nor give una correct gist, who will? I hear the actor is planning a secret wedding with his Ghanaian Girlfriend. He wants to take her to the altar as soon as possible, but my informant says the lady is the one pulling her feet. Pawpaw has been wanting to get married for a while now, and i was told that any time soon, he may just hit the alter with his Ghanaian babe. To be sincere i am not to sure who the babe is, but all the fingers are pointing to Ghanaian actress Nana Ama McBrown who he has been flaunting and taking photos with of recent... Pawpaw my dear, whatever decision you take, i wish you good luck!

1 comment:

  1. Wow!!! Congrats in advance pawpaw , its a bold step


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