Wow!!! Checkout This Lovely Pre-wedding Photos

Wow... saw this simple but lovely Pre-wedding photos on facebook and decided to bring it here.... i so much love pre-wedding photos alot especially when God is involved (Wink)..... anyways couldnot take my eyes off this street pre-wedding photos and personally decided to feature it here..

As posted on facebook by them......

Read below>>>


"When I tell people I met my husband at age 10, I get one of two responses. Some people think it's sweet. Others can't believe I married a guy I've known since I was a kid". Josephine says,

I met my wife when i was in primary 5, i was just 11 years, too young you will say, little did i know what LOVE was, yet at that little age i had this feelings of connection with her, my heart jumps at her sight, to me it means nothing other than i like her, because at that age i never knew anything called LOVE. I always make efforts talking to her, only to find out that she doesn't like me, as a new guy in her class i noticed she like chatting with one of my friend by name "Ayo", and whenever i come close to the chatting point she takes her leave immediately. "She hates me so much" i said to myself, so i took a decision never talk to her anymore (her shakara is too much). After primary school we were posted to the same Higher secondary school, for six years Josephine and I never say "hello" to each other. I think i knew why she disliked me so much, in my secondary school days i was rough, tough, and a fighter even with my small stature the whole school knew who i was, she latter confessed to me that was her reason even from primary school. To cut the long story short, i met Josephine again after almost 7years after college. This time the experience took a new turn, for the first time i hugged her and she responded fine, we gisted as if we had missed each other for long, yet we never talked the previous years, as faith will have it, at that time she already apply to study in the higher institution were i was, when she told me about it, i was shocked, did you know anybody in that school i asked, No she said, i am a student of that school i replied her. That was how the whole process started, We fell in love in 2010. Josephine as been a wonderful woman to, she has really shown me what it means to  love and am happy she is my wife.

"I don't consider us true childhood sweethearts, but we have at least some of the advantages. The longer we're together the more I get the lure of staying with someone I've known since diaper days for the rest of your life". -Josephine


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